One-To-One Tutoring Class


5 : Engage with the most experienced expert instructors in a balanced and comprehensive mix of CFA® Corporate Finance curriculum. Master by Building confidence for CFA Levels. Tutorchrome
Product Image Corporate Finance

Have you ever taken a photograph and wished you could make it better? Have you a creative side that you want to express? Are you looking for a new hobby, or even a new career? Knowledge in Photoshop will equip you with the skills you need to really transform your images. A firm understanding of the power of post-production and image editing will open up a whole new world of creative tools and techniques. In this course, you will learn the skills and knowledge you need to enhance, edit, and create images to a professional standard and to add a whole other layer to your skill set as a photographer and designer

Salary Detail

$ 25,000 - 35,000 JUNIOR EXECUTIVE (0-1 YEARS)
$ 25,000 - 35,000 SENIOR EXECUTIVE (1-3 YEARS)
$ 50,000 - 75,000 MANAGER
(3+ YEARS)
$ 80,000+ DIRECTOR/VP
(10+ YEARS)

Course Details

lesson 1 - Goals and Governance of the Firm
calendar Monday, 03 Apr 18:00 PM GMT

a) Corporate Investment and Financing Decisions

b) Concept of Opportunity Cost of Capital

c) Agency Problem and Corporate Governance

lesson 2 - Concept of Present Values and Future Values
calendar Wednesday, 05 Apr 18:00 PM GMT

a) Future Values and Present Values

b) Perpetuities and Annuities

lesson 3 - Valuing Bonds
calendar Monday, 10 Apr 18:00 PM GMT

a) Using Present Value concept to Value Bonds

b) Term Structure of Interest Rates

c) Real & Nominal Interest Rates and Corporate Bonds and Risk of Default

lesson 4 - Value of Common Stocks
calendar Wednesday, 12 Apr 18:00 PM GMT

a) Concepts of Stocks Trading

b) Estimating Cost of Equity Capital & Link between Stock Prices and EPS

c) Valuing a Business by Discounted Cash Flow Analysis

lesson 5 - Net Present Value and Other Investment Criteria
calendar Monday, 17 Apr 18:00 PM GMT

a) Payback and IRR Analysis

b) Applying the NPV Rule and concept of Equivalent Cash Flows

lesson 6 - Introduction to Risk and Return
calendar Wednesday, 19 Apr 18:00 PM GMT

a) Measuring and Calculating Portfolio Risk

b) Affect of adding Individual Securities in the portfolio and Diversification Concept

lesson 7 - Portfolio Theory and Capital Asset Model Pricing
calendar Monday, 24 Apr 18:00 PM GMT

a) Portfolio Theory and Risk-Return Relationship

b) Project Risk Analysis and Certainty Equivalents Concept

lesson 8 - How Corporations Issue Securities
calendar Wednesday, 26 Apr 18:00 PM GMT

a) Venture Capital

b) Initial Public Offering and Securities Sales by Public Companies

lesson 9 - Financing and Valuation
calendar Monday, 03 Apr 18:00 PM GMT

a) After Tax Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) concept

b) Adjusted Present Value Concept

lesson 10 - Corporate Borrowing Limitations and Corporate Debt Policy
calendar Monday, 03 Apr 18:00 PM GMT

a) Effect of Financial Leverage

b) Financial Risk and Expected Returns

c) Costs of Finacial Distress

d) Pecking Order of Financing Choices

lesson 11 - Credit Risk, Value of Corporate Debt and Stock Dividend Policy
calendar Monday, 03 Apr 18:00 PM GMT

a) Yields on Corporate Debt

b) Bond ratings and Default Probability

c) Stock Dividends Payout Policy

  • Revision and Doubts Sessions after completing Half syllabus
  • Revision and Doubts Sessions after completing Full syllabus
1,000,890 Successful Graduates

8 Live Interactive Lessons

4 Weeks

8 hours +

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